The paths and pillars are where the See Ball Think Ball® coaching platform all begins. Our pillars, the foundational values that guide all of the work that we do, have been developed with over a decade of experience in high end performance psychology coaching. The pillars of See Ball Think Ball® lead the way to effective and powerful teaching tools. The resources gained through our pillars can be utilized to best meet the needs and demands of high performers, no matter what path an individual decides to journey on.

Each of our paths function as the different methods of achieving evolution through our work together, based on what works best for each individual or group. They are designed to, in some instances, work in isolation. Because no two minds are alike, there is value in being able to create a space where individuals can work on the areas that they want to improve upon.

Our Neuro® program is an introduction into what an elite performance environment can look like. This is achieved via online application that’s facilitated through a membership. Psycho® is our interpretation of what a high end workshop experience should deliver, and is typically utilized within teams of all kinds. Our third path, Iso®, is focused on offering individualized coaching that is specific to the unique needs of the individual performer.

Whether the work being done is achieved through one or multiple paths, our foundational pillars remain present throughout your journey with See Ball Think Ball®. As with any journey, the paths we take may look different, while the goal remains as our North Star.



Every great step taken towards elite performance first begins with the mind. Our journey is directly influenced by the commitment and motivation that we start with. The Mind Pillar explores ways for its users to identify the key elements required to explore and expand the ways we get started. Taking ownership of the mind plays a key role in mastering our performance.



How a competitor develops key levels of concentration has a huge impact on the degree to which we become great performers. A players ability to concentrate during peak state can and will, in most cases, be the determining factor in elite performance. During the Manifest pillar, Faheem will share key insights into how to best apply different tools for focus and concentration, and what it means to create a mindset for focus.



Our level of self-confidence has a direct impact on our level of performance. Confidence facilitates concentration, affects goals, and increases effort. All of these play key roles in performing well, and it is all driven by increased self-confidence. In the same light, even the smallest amount of self-doubt can result in a negative impact to our performance. The Magnify pillar is designed not only to enhance self-confidence, but to establish the habits that can sustain the high confidence levels required to consistently perform at an elite level.



Feeling pressure is an internal experience that is directly tied to our feelings about performing. This feeling manifests physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our perspective of pressure determines our response, which in turn will determine the outcome of our performance. Through the Master pillar, the individual will learn how to stay focused through feelings of pressure by changing the relationship to it.

Because no two minds are alike. Our Iso® program is a coaching environment and journey that is meticulously customized for each individual, ensuring they can extract the maximum potential from their performances. The program is designed to cultivate a consistent level of greatness, achieved through a primed, prepared, and mentally disciplined mind.

Neuro® is a high-performance membership platform designed with high performers in mind. Through this membership program, individuals will have access to a range of weekly resources that have been intentionally crafted as part of an ongoing developmental journey to unlocking and maintaining your highest potential.

Psycho® Is our workshop series platform tailored to the group, team or corporate partnership we have in mind. The goal of each Psycho® workshop is to inform, engage, and equip each individual with the knowledge, experience, and tools required to take their performance to unimaginable heights through the lens of performance psychology.

Psycho® Is our workshop series platform tailored to the group, team or corporate partnership we have in mind. The goal of each Psycho® workshop is to inform, engage, and equip each individual with the knowledge, experience, and tools required to take their performance to unimaginable heights through the lens of performance psychology.

“Coach Faheem has made an immeasurable impact on our program over the past 3 months. He shows up every day with energy and passion. He asks inciteful questions that provoke thought, sharing, and growth. Faheem has introduced numerous strategies to help us build a stronger team culture and it has translated to their training and game performances. Through discussions and activities, he has taught them ways to be better teammates and work cohesively. He pushes the team outside their comfort zones, while creating a safe environment for them to be open and honest with each other. Our players enjoy working with Faheem and recognize the value he’s brought for them as individual athletes and as a team."”

Sarah Barnes, HC University of Miami Women’s Soccer

“Successful organization are built on people. Faheem was a valuable member of our staff. His personal approach allows people to trust him and his process. He can help a team or individuals grow to be the best they can be.”

Paul Mcdonough

“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to unrelenting pursuit of your goal — a commitment to excellence — that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”

Mario Andretti

— Quote Source

If you resonate with

  • Feeling like you’re working hard on your performance and in your conditioning… and still finding that you aren’t tapping into what you’re fully capable of when it really matters…

  • You’re working on your mental resilience… but it feels like you aren’t making progress and you’re starting to doubt your capabilities.

  • You want to understand the mindset required to perform at your full potential— and learn how to apply that mindset toward attaining new levels of your skill set.

  • You’re a coach or parent who wants to support a team in fulfilling their fullest potential… and you’re looking for a guide that can be utilized to master the mindset of a top performer…

… you have found the perfect place to discover your highest potential.

Most individual competitors fall along one of the areas of development:

They don’t know that they don’t know

Unconsciously Incompetent

They don’t know that they know

Unconsciously Competent

They know that they don’t know

Conscious Incompetent

They know that they know

Conscious Competent

Master your Mental Edge.

Sustained success depends not only on performers mastering physical and technical skills, but on the ability to change entrenched behaviors that limit success. For most performers, one of the most undeveloped areas of preparation focuses on the mindset, approach and/or mental conditioning of individuals and teams.

With See Ball Think Ball®, these strategies are taught through individual and group sessions featuring activities, exercises and multimedia presentations to best engage performers.

Changing behavior can be more difficult than learning new technical skills. The See Ball Think Ball® goal is to provide tools and strategies that emphasize personal growth, responsibility and adaptability. Enhancing the individual and team through investing in people improves productivity and leads to greater success.

Book an appointment.

Every powerful journey begins with one meaningful decision.